Posts by Raphael Albino

Agile requirements: Talking about uncertainty and complexity

In this blog post, I would like to share with you a technique that we have been using at Plataformatec that is supporting our teams and clients to understand the relationship between complexity and uncertainty when they need to evaluate software requirements. If the team that you are working on has been developing items (e.g. … »

Requisitos em equipes ágeis: Falando sobre complexidade e incerteza

Se a equipe na qual você trabalha lida com demandas (ex: histórias de usuário, bugs, etc.) que demonstram uma alta variabilidade no lead time ou, em outras palavras, o fluxo de desenvolvimento do time lida com demandas que são entregues rápido demais e outras que levam muito tempo para serem finalizadas, provavelmente você está lidando … »

Nossa participação no Agile Brazil 2016

Na última semana aconteceu em Curitiba, Paraná, uma das maiores conferências sobre métodos ágeis na América Latina, o Agile Brazil 2016. Foi a primeira participação do time de gerentes de projetos da Plataformatec como palestrantes no evento e, neste post, gostaria de compartilhar algumas impressões sobre essa participação e o evento como um todo. Primeiro … »

Why we love metrics? Cumulative flow diagrams

One of the big questions that an Agile Coach may face during his career is: How can I help the team to continuously improve the software development process? In this blog posts series, I have been sharing some of Plataformatec best practices that are helping us deliver better projects through a set of metrics and … »

Looking at Lead Time in a different way

As we discussed previously in the post Learning with Lead time, analyzing the metric distribution regularly could be a useful tool to improve your software development process. Before continuing this blog post, I would like to suggest you an interesting read about the questions that surround the definition of Lead time. At Plataformatec, we have … »

Why we love metrics? Throughput and Burnup charts

Since I started working on software development, I have been dealing with two important, but not always convergent aspects: product scope and delivery flow. The process of aligning the expectations of product increment and team throughput is usually arduous, but when this happens, it improves the chances of project success. I will present here how … »