Posts tagged "elixir"

Understanding deps and applications in your Mixfile

Note: Elixir v1.4 has been released and improves on many points touched by this article. From v1.4, Elixir will automatically infer the list of applications based on your dependencies. For more information, read the official announcement. In my journey as a curious Elixir developer, I’ve come across this seemingly simple question a few times: which … »

Deploying Elixir applications with Edeliver

We’ve been talking about deploy and releases with Elixir lately, like how to run migrations on top of a release or how to deal with environment variables. Now it’s time to discover another tool that can help us release our Elixir application. After practicing deploy and tracing through nodes with Exrm, we got more comfortable … »

Beyond Functional Programming with Elixir and Erlang

I would like to add a slightly different perspective to functional programming in the Erlang VM: functional programming is not a goal in the Erlang VM. It is a means to an end. When designing the Erlang language and the Erlang VM, Joe, Mike and Robert did not aim to implement a functional programming language, … »

How to config environment variables with Elixir and Exrm

It’s very common (and highly recommended) that application keeps its configuration values separated from its version control. A way of doing this is by using ENV vars (environment variables). They’re being used for improvements mostly on maintainability. The 12-factor app manifesto explains it on its Configuration section: The twelve-factor app stores config in environment variables … »

Tracing and observing your remote node

Today we will continue exploring techniques for debugging and tracing Elixir code that are so important for running and understanding production systems. In the past, we have discussed: how to debug your application how to trace systems with Erlyberly how to use the observer to introspect applications. The examples above always connected to systems running … »

Ecto’s insert_all and schemaless queries

One of the functions added to Ecto 2.0 is Ecto.Repo.insert_all/3. insert_all allows developers to insert multiple entries at once into a repository: MyApp.Repo.insert_all(Post, [[title: “hello”, body: “world”], [title: “another”, body: “post”]]) Although insert_all is just a regular Elixir function, it plays an important role in Ecto 2.0 goals. To understand more about these goals, let’s … »