Posts tagged "elixir"

Running migration in an Exrm release

Exrm is a great tool for building releases for Elixir applications so you can deploy them on the web and even in an embedded hardware. We have been using Exrm here at Plataformatec. It is the chosen tool for deploying our projects and the contributors are doing a great job maintaining and developing new features. … »

Ecto 2.0.0-rc is out!

We are really glad to announce the release candidate for Ecto 2.0 has been released. The upcoming Ecto version packs many goodies: We have migrated to DBConnection, which considerably improves the performance of how Ecto manages connections to the database as a whole. Improved pool management, faster encoding/decoding, support for prepared queries and more; The … »

How to trace Elixir nodes with Erlyberly

At Plataformatec, we are always learning new techniques to help our clients introspect and monitor their production systems. Last week, we saw debugging techniques in Elixir and now we will see one of many ways to do tracing in Elixir. For this post, we will use erlyberly. You can see the installation instructions in its … »

Debugging techniques in Elixir

It’s common that our first experience with debugging in a new language is by printing values to the terminal. Elixir isn’t different: we can use IO.puts/2 and IO.inspect/2. However, Elixir also provides other approaches to debugging. In this blog post, we’ll show you other 2 options: IEx.pry/0 and :debugger. IEx.pry The name “pry” is an … »

Inspecting, changing and debugging Elixir project dependencies

You have probably heard that Elixir is very explicit and I’d say the same! One of the things I really like in Elixir projects is that its dependencies are all explicitly included in the deps/ directory. Every time we’re curious about how a dependency works, we can just look at deps/lib-name. After working on a … »

Using Gettext to internationalize a Phoenix application

To translate or not to translate? We have been asking ourselves the same question in one of our latest Phoenix projects. Even though internationalizing our application is planned a bit ahead in our roadmap, we have decided to do an initial evaluation of the translation tools in the Elixir ecosystem, and we were pleasantly surprised … »