Posts tagged "software"

The user story in development was deprioritized, what now?

Let’s say you have a Kanban board like the following: Then, suddenly, the P.O. discovers that the features D and E were developed by a competitor and that you are losing users because of that. Therefore, the P.O. decides to deprioritize story C. This is only an example of why a card might be deprioritized … »

A user story em desenvolvimento foi despriorizada, e agora?

Digamos que você tenha um quadro kanban como o seguinte: Então, no meio do seu sprint, o P.O. descobre que as features D e E foram lançadas por um concorrente e que vocês estão perdendo usuários por isso. Pensando nisso, a P.O. decide despriorizar a história C. Isso seria apenas um exemplo de como um … »

Dilemas de PO: priorizar features e projetar entregas

Se você gerencia um produto de software que já está em uso, é bem provável que já tenha se deparado com duas perguntas ao pensar em evoluções e melhorias da aplicação: Como priorizá-las? Quando elas serão entregues? Neste blog post, teremos a oportunidade de discutir algumas abordagens que poderão ajudar você a responder tais questionamentos … »

Key points to consider when doing a software rewrite

The third post of Low Internal Software Quality series. As well as a big software refactor, a rewrite is not a simple thing either. After many years, we have gotten experience enough to point what you had better consider when planning and executing a rewrite process. Will the two platforms live together for some time … »

Key points to consider when doing a big software refactoring

The second post of Low Internal Software Quality series. Doing a big software refactor1 is not a simple thing. There are lots of points that you should think about, from planning and prioritizing to team motivation and execution. Understanding these points in a structured and clear way is part of the job. The good news … »

The Symptoms of Low Internal Software Quality

The first post of Low Internal Software Quality series. Not only physical matter deteriorates, software does too It’s known that physical matter deteriorates. People accept that and have always dealt with it. What people don’t accept so easily is that software “deteriorates” too. Unlike physical matter, it doesn’t happen due to some physical or chemical … »