Posts in English

What’s new in Elixir – Apr/19

Hi everyone, we are back with another edition of What’s new in Elixir! Let’s get started. mix release has been added! Besides basic releases support, it supports runtime configuration, customization via templates files, custom steps, and more. A huge thank you to both Distillery and Relx teams for the prior work that made releases in … »

Announcing the RabbitMQ Connector for Broadway

Since the announcement of Broadway a couple of months ago, we’ve received a very positive response from the community. We were able to gather some great feedback regarding the architecture, suggestions for extending the API and requests for new connectors to allow attaching other technologies to Broadway pipelines. One of the most requested additions was … »

ExDoc v0.20: Keyboard shortcuts, autocompletion, full-text search, and more!

ExDoc v0.20 has been released with many exciting new features: keyboard shortcuts, search improvements, and more! At Plataformatec, we are particularly happy and proud to have contributed and sponsored some of the work behind this new release. Let’s take a look at some of the new capabilities. You can see them live at too! … »

Announcing Broadway

In December 2018, we published the Plataformatec and Elixir: 2018 in review article, in which we shared some of our achievements throughout the year, as well as some of the goals we planned for 2019. One of these goals was to engage the R&D team to develop a new open source tool that could streamline … »

Migrations in databases with large amount of data

There is a discussion that always comes up when dealing with database migrations. Should I use the migrations to also migrate data? I mean, I’ve already altered the structure so it would be easy to change the data by including an SQL as well, and this would guarantee that everything is working after the deploy. … »

Custom authentication methods with Devise

In the past, we have been asked to include other authentication methods in Devise (e.g. token-based and magic email links). Although it might make sense to include those for some applications, there is no plan to support them in Devise. But don’t be upset, it turns out you might not need to override Devise’s SessionsController … »