Note: Devise 1.1.6 broke compatibility with Rails versions prior to 3.0.4, this has been fixed on Devise 1.1.7.
Devise 1.1.6 has just been released and it follows Rails 3.0.4 release. Rails 3.0.4 changes how CSRF works and adds a new method called handle_unverified_request
that should be properly overridden by authentication frameworks. Devise 1.1.6 implements this method and others small security fixes.
If you have updated to Rails 3.0.4, you must update to Devise 1.1.6. Those using Devise 1.2.rc should use master for awhile, another RC is coming soon. For more information, check out the CHANGELOG.
Devise 1.0.10 was also released with the same fixes for Rails 2.3.11.