Posts tagged "elixir"

Stop hiding the error and start fixing the problem

I’ve been working on Plataformatec for 5 years and one common mistake that I see developers making is hiding the error, instead of fixing the problem. This kind of behaviour can turn your product full of problems quickly by having a codebase with unnecessary defensive programming. Let’s explore that by taking a look at an … »

What’s new in Flow v0.14

Flow v0.14 has been recently released with more fine grained control on data emission and tighter integration with GenStage. In this blog post we will start with a brief recap of Flow and go over the new changes. We end the post with a description of the new Elixir Development Subscription service by Plataformatec and … »

Long projects in your free time

This year The Pragmatic Bookshelf and I released the Learn Functional Programming With Elixir book, and its first chapter is available here. It took me one year and a half to finish the book. Yeah, it took a long time! Why did it take that long? I think the main reason is: all my researching, … »

What’s new in Elixir – Jun/18

Erlang/OTP 21.0 was just released and work on the upcoming Elixir v1.7 release is ongoing. In this post, we highlight some of the features that have already landed in the Elixir master branch. Elixir will now provide hints of where a mistake may have happened when you forget a do or an end (commit). Erlang/OTP … »

Adopting Elixir: the book and beyond!

Adopting Elixir is a new book from PragProg, written by Ben Marx, José Valim and Bruce Tate, with the goal of exploring the Elixir adoption life-cycle from concept, to development and into production. After all, adopting a new technology is more than programming. Although a relatively young language, Elixir has plenty of learning resources available. … »

Nested Layouts With Phoenix

Over the last few weeks, we have been building a web application in one of our clients and ended up duplicating some template code. These new pages had something in common between them, but not with the rest of the application. We needed an inner layout to reuse the template code between these pages, however, … »