Posts in English

Why your web framework should not adopt Rack API

Or, even better, why your web framework should not adopt a CGI-based API. For the past few years I have been studying and observing the development of different emerging languages closely with a special focus on web frameworks/servers. Unfortunately, most of the new web frameworks are following the Rack/WSGI specification which may be a mistake … »

Improving the integration between Capybara and RSpec

When David Chelimsky was visiting São Paulo in last April, we invited him to go out for some coffee, beers and brazilian appetizers. We had a great time and we talked about different topics like OO, programming languages, authoring books and, as expected, about testing. One of the topics in our testing discussion was the … »

Active Record `attribute?` method

Last week, while developing a feature I had some code like this in a view: link_to_unless @post.url.blank?, “Link to post”, @post.url Where url is an attribute of type String. As people usually don’t like negative conditionals, we can easily rewrite this code as: link_to_if @post.url.present?, “Link to post”, @post.url However, we can clean our code … »

Nossa participação no Secot: Mini curso de Ruby on Rails

Dia 11/05/2012, realizamos um mini curso de Ruby on Rails no Secot (Semana de Computação e Tecnologia da UFSCAR de Sorocaba). Aqui vão os slides, os links mencionados no curso, o link para o código da aplicação que fizemos e também o link para o guia que usei na demonstração de Ruby. Código da aplicação … »

A praise for a hard, sweaty and great work done

Congratulations to our fellow Carlos Antonio (@cantoniodasilva) and Rafael França (@rafaelfranca) for honorably earning the commit access to the Ruby on Rails repository!

Say hi to Devise 2.1.0 !

In this blog post we talk about a new feature upcoming on Devise 2.1 that aims to provide developers faster feedback in case a model is missing a field required by Devise behaviors.