Posts in English

Devise 1.1 is out and ready to rock with Rails 3

A couple weeks ago we finally released Devise 1.1 which is fully-compatible with Rails 3! Not only that, we’ve been working with Rails 3 since the first betas and several features were added along the way! Let’s take a look at those, some architectural changes and see how Devise 1.1 and Rails 3 will change … »

New Active Record scoping syntax

You probably know that Active Record got a facelift and is now powered by Active Relation. A new chainable-award-winning-lazy API was added and received great feedback! However, as more and more people are trying Rails 3 beta, a small incompatibility between the old and new syntax was found. This post explains this incompatibility and how … »

SimpleForm: forms made easy

Sometime ago we were working on a project together with a designer, and that specific application was full of forms, each one having a different layout, but most of them sharing the same features: inline errors, hints, specific label markup for required fields, etc. To start prototyping the application faster, we used the markup the … »

DSL or NoDSL at Euruko 2010

At the end of May, I was honored to talk at Euruko, the most important Ruby event in Europe! The event was excellent, the organizers made an awesome work before, during and they are still keeping it up by releasing several videos along this week! Without further ado, here follows my talk video: DSL or … »

Plataforma Tec and José Valim in Barcelona

José Valim, Lead Developer at Plataforma Tecnologia and Rails Core Member, will be in Barcelona from 12nd to 19th June. Between trying some Tapas and Paellas, José Valim will be at Spain to open new business opportunities. So if you are running a company in Barcelona, Madrid or nearby, this is a great opportunity for a Training Session in Rails … »

Accented chars in IRB with RVM and ruby 1.8.7

Since moving to Mac, I always find it surprising that the default Mac OS X Ruby and IRB doesn’t allow inputs with accented characters. So, you cannot do name = “George Guimarães” This is annoying for brazilians and anyone who uses non-ASCII characters. The problem is that the default Ruby in Mac OS X isn’t … »