Build embedded and start permanent in Elixir 1.0.4

Elixir v1.0.4 ships with two new important options for new projects. If you generate a new application with mix new, you will see in your mix.exs: [build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod, start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod] Although those options were originally meant to be in Elixir v1.1, we have decided to bring them into v1.0.4 and do … »

Continuous communication

After continuous integration, which evolved to discrete integration, and continuous delivery, why not try continuous communication to avoid misleading messages inside your team? Why communication matters? It’s known that communication issues results in many software development problems. Some agile frameworks, such as Scrum, have well defined communication activities like daily meetings and sprint plannings. Communication … »

Introducing Discrete Integration

Continuous Integration has been out there for some years by now. The book, Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk dates from 2007, but the first mention of the term has came up earlier in 1994. So, it’s been nearly 20 years since this idea is present in the software industry. During this time … »

Introducing Elixir Radar: the weekly email newsletter about Elixir

Tl;DR: We’re launching a weekly email newsletter about Elixir. It’s called Elixir Radar. We would like to invite you to subscribe to it. A little bit of Elixir’s history You may know José Valim. You may know Elixir. You may know Plataformatec. But you may not know the story of how Elixir was created and … »

Organizing microservices in a single git repository

Microservices has gained popularity recently and some projects I’ve worked on had followed this approach. Basically, it’s an approach of software architecture that allows breaking monolithic applications into smaller decoupled, business-oriented and isolated deployable applications. Each microservice normally is hosted in its own git repository, since it has very defined business boundaries and the code … »

Empirical knowledge formalization in project retrospectives

All software projects are challenging, although not all at the same level. Even the easiest projects are tough and demand attention in order to make good decisions and adjust the course. There are plenty of ways of doing so, like sprint retrospectives, where the good and the bad things are exposed and discussed. But, another … »