Posts tagged "project management"

Bringing continuous improvements into your agile process: The Reality Check Ceremony

You’ll start a new product. Awesome! You gather a great development team to kickstart the product, aka to build an MVP. Since you’ve had the idea of the product, it is natural that you’ll be the CEO of that new startup and, therefore, will make the business decisions regarding your product (launch date, market segmentation, … »

The hero syndrome and how to deal with it

Alex Payne wrote in his blog, in 2010, a post about the hero syndrome. However, even though some people are aware of it, we sometimes face some heroes and they end up harming the development process. Therefore, we are here to expand on what Payne said in his post, and try to convince you that … »

The Law of Diminishing Returns and its impact on projects

It is common for people to think that all project-related problems will be solved if you hire more people. Some even think that, if you are doing X per week, and you double the number of people in your team, you’ll deliver 2X per week. Before we explain in details why that is not true, … »

A Lei dos Rendimentos Decrescentes e seu impacto em projetos

Alguns gestores ainda pensam que todos os problemas relacionados a seus projetos podem ser solucionados se contratarem mais pessoas. Chega ao ponto de esperarem que, ao dobrar o número de integrantes de um time, sua performance dobre também. No entanto, isso não é verdade. Antes de explicarmos em detalhes o por que disso não funcionar, … »

The pros and cons of using daily metrics

As you may have noticed, we took advantage of the new Elixir Radar channel development to run some project management experiments, so we could improve our methods and toolset. Some of those can be found in these blog posts: Forecasting software project’s completion date through Monte Carlo Simulation Lead Time Experiment: Calculating Lead Time of … »

Os prós e contras de usar métricas diárias

Como você pode ter percebido, nós aproveitamos o desenvolvimento do nosso novo canal, a Elixir Radar, para realizar alguns experimentos com o intuito de melhorar nossos métodos e ferramentas. Alguns destes experimentos podem ser encontrados nos seguintes blog posts: Forecasting software project’s completion date through Monte Carlo Simulation Lead Time Experiment: Calculating Lead Time of … »