Posts tagged "metrics"
One common mistake when passing information to C-level executives is overwhelming them with details that they don’t understand or that they just don’t care. The lack of alignment on what to send them may give you a hard time when adopting new techniques, such as process metrics analysis. In this blog post, I’ll explain how … »
Tags: Agile, metrics, Posted in English, Comments Off on How to report metrics to C-level executives
We’ve been advocating in favor of using metrics for a while now, and we have built a lot of content about them. However, we have seen teams that are actively using metrics and not having the desired results. Here I compile the most common mistakes that teams are committing when using metrics, so you’ll know … »
Tags: Agile, metrics, project management, Posted in English, Comments Off on 12 Common mistakes when using Process Metrics
If you are an Agile devotee (capital A, see We are not necessarily Agile… but we are certainly agile!), keep an open mind to read what is coming next. Society is defined not only by what it creates but by what it refuses to destroy. – John C. Sawhill Before we start, if you are … »
Tags: agile methodology, metrics, project management, Posted in English, Comments Off on Hard skills on project management
As you may have noticed, we took advantage of the new Elixir Radar channel development to run some project management experiments, so we could improve our methods and toolset. Some of those can be found in these blog posts: Forecasting software project’s completion date through Monte Carlo Simulation Lead Time Experiment: Calculating Lead Time of … »
Tags: Agile, metrics, NoEstimates, project management, Posted in English, Comments Off on The pros and cons of using daily metrics
Como você pode ter percebido, nós aproveitamos o desenvolvimento do nosso novo canal, a Elixir Radar, para realizar alguns experimentos com o intuito de melhorar nossos métodos e ferramentas. Alguns destes experimentos podem ser encontrados nos seguintes blog posts: Forecasting software project’s completion date through Monte Carlo Simulation Lead Time Experiment: Calculating Lead Time of … »
Tags: Agile, metrics, NoEstimates, project management, Posted in Português, Comments Off on Os prós e contras de usar métricas diárias
Motivation One of the most common challenges that you will face in your career, or even in your life, is to choose one thing over another. It could be a decision between going out to eat at a sushi place and a pizzeria, or it could be between a 2-month-long software project that costs $1M … »
Tags: Agile, business, Decision making, metrics, Posted in English, 3 Comments »