Posts tagged "rubyconf"

RubyConf BR 2011. Estaremos lá!

Para quem acompanha a comunidade Ruby brasileira, não é nenhuma novidade que nos dias 3 e 4 de Novembro teremos mais uma edição do RubyConf BR. Assim como no ano passado, o evento acontece no Centro de Convenções Frei Caneca, perto da Av. Paulista e de fácil acesso. Toda a equipe da PlataformaTec estará lá. … »

2010 – A year in review

This year is coming to an end and it was amazing for us at Plataforma Tecnologia. We are proud to share with you, faithful reader, our accomplishments in 2010, which weren’t few. Open Source The year has begun on fire. In February, José Valim made his way into the Rails Core team and has been … »

Rails 3.1 talks are on the way!

Rails 3 was released this week but the minds of the Rails Core team members are already focused on the 3.1 release for quite some time. DHH was the first one to give a hint on what we would like to see in Rails 3.1 in his RailsConf talk and, as Ruby Summer of Code … »